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Successful AI Startups: The role of a mentor

startup success

Ankur Sharma | 5th September, 2024 | 3 min read

Successful AI Startups: The role of a mentor

Level up your startup with personalized advice from the world’s top startup mentors. Overcome roadblocks, gain fresh perspectives, and propel your business forward with 1:1 coaching calls tailored to your specific challenges.

    In today’s time, everyone is building an AI startup, transforming industries, and redefining the future of technology. In this fast-changing world of Artificial Intelligence, a mentor can greatly affect your business path. They can point you in the right direction, give you real world insights and strategies, and help you solve hard tech problems.

    They can also give you mental backup and push you forward. This matters a lot when you face tough tasks and try to reach your work aims. They can link you to useful groups and chances you might not find on your own.

    Finding the best qualities in a mentor

    When you look for an AI mentor, you need to search for individuals who have the right qualities and expertise to provide you with real-world insights and are well connected and updated with the industry. Always look for someone who has great experience in this field and should be himself/herself an entrepreneur or mentored other founders.

    The mentor should not be just an industry expert but also approachable, patient and likes to help or guide other entrepreneurs. They should have excellent communication skills and can explain concepts in an understandable manner.

    Online platforms and communities

    You can find an AI mentor for 1:1 guidance on LinkedIn and other platforms like wiseAdvizor. On LinkedIn, you can search for an individual who has an AI startup or is working in the same industry as an executive. But it can take time to search and connect and is willing to provide mentorship.

    Platforms like wiseAdvizor connect you directly with successful entrepreneurs, leaders, and startup mentors for personalized guidance. Here, you can search for mentors as per the expertise you need.

    I can personally recommend ‘Priyanjali Datta’ as your AI mentor. Below are some achievements: 

    ·       Named "Top 10 Best Young Technology Entrepreneur" by One Young World & Novartis, Munich, Germany, 2021.

    ·       Recognized as a "Top 10 Design Thinking Fellow" globally by the Mulago Foundation, San Francisco, U.S, 2021.

    ·       Awarded "Best Tech Startup" by Johns Hopkins Technology Ventures, Baltimore, U.S, 2021.

    ·       Named "Top 40 Technology Innovators" for AI healthcare solutions by the Millennium Alliance, New Delhi, India, 2020.

    ·       Recognized as one of India's "Top 10 Influential Women Leaders", New Delhi, India, 2019.


    Check her full profile and use 'MENTOR25' for 25% off.

    AI Startups success stories who have taken mentorship

    DeepMind, now a part of Google, has taken mentorship from other successful entrepreneurs during their early stages, and it has helped them to grow at a faster rate.

    Another big example is the AI healthcare startup Zebra Medical Vision, which has taken mentorship for funding and networking from leading industry leaders in the AI field. 

    There are many successful stories in the AI world who have taken mentorship from successful founders and leaders to scale faster.

    When to connect with an AI mentor?

    There is no such time or stage to connect with a mentor for your startup. But if you are in the early stage, then it is the best time, as early mentorship can help you to refine your business model, validate your ideas and strategies, and avoid costly mistakes.

    Even if you have reached a certain stage with your business, connecting with a mentor can provide fresh insights and provide valuable feedback that you are not able to see. They can help you remove the roadblocks that are stopping your startup from scaling.

Studies show startups with mentors achieve growth milestones 2.3 times quicker.

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